How To Set Goals And More Importantly Achieve Them

Do you want to start every day with insane energy levels and focus, so you get the important stuff done and start creating the life you always wanted? If so, here’s a simple four-step formula that I use.
1. Exercise for at least 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter what you do, but you have to do it to the level that you at least get a sweat happening. If that means strolling around the block, then that’s just fine. If that means running hard, then run hard. And if that means doing burpees until you puke then go for it.
All that matters is you move and get your circulation going and break a sweat. Exercise and movement create an excellent platform for positive thoughts and are great for combatting depression.
2. Put some uplifting music on (I recommend the soundtrack to Gladiator) and jump in the shower for 10 minutes. While doing this, think about an experience in your life you are insanely grateful for. Feel the moment, be in the moment, relive the moment. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? Why was it a great moment? Really connect with how you felt.
Then think of another moment you were grateful for…repeat the same questions. Experience it deeply like you were in it. Then do this one more time. Layering moments of gratitude on top of each other help drive out negative thoughts and doubt. This practice leaves you feeling happy and energised. If you do this right, then you may even feel like weeping. That’s fine, go with it. They are happy thoughts and happy tears. Enjoy them.
3. Next think clearly about what you want. Focus first on the big picture stuff like “I want my skills to grow 50% this year." Or, "I want to be able to perform ultrasound effectively in the next 12 months.” Write the things that come into your head down on paper. Next, think about the single thing you MUST get done today to move closer to that big picture goal. Visualise your day ahead, see it happening.
4. The final step is to act, get this single thing done that you wrote down. Book the course. Contact a mentor. Commit to writing the blog post on your subject and publish it. Read the journals you’ve been putting off.
What is absolutely essential is that you do not open email, Facebook or look at a website until you get this task done. No distractions. No excuses. Nothing. Get it done.
If you can act with this level of focus each day then in a year you will take at least 250 (assuming this all happens on workdays) essential steps towards your big picture dream. That’s an incredibly long way to go. You’ll be amazed at how small big tasks get when you bite a bit off a little chunk each day.
So, here’s my challenge. Try this routine for ten days. Then please let me know what happened.
Are you in?
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