Digital Marketing Part 3: Connecting With Pet Owners

In part three of the digital marketing "mini-epic" series I'm going to demonstrate by doing more than writing. So today's blog comes in the form of a video blog I recorded and posted on youtube then embedded into my blog below. And I've posted this content onto my social spaces (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram & Twitter), optimised this page for SEO and of course I'm blasting it out to my email list.
So rather than write a long blog today, I'm just going to advise you do the exact same thing. Post your content where your local pet owners are. I don't care where that is, but if you want to win in the digital space then you have to be there too. Or you are invisible.
If you want some pointers for pet owners then try:
Instagram - use quotes from your piece and a great photo to drive reader behaviour.
Twitter - ask a question to start a conversation.
Facebook - The biggest platform for your content.
Youtube - got something good to write about? It's just as even easier to say it and video is super engaging.
Your blog - of course - but make sure the content is optimised so Google can help pet owners to find you.
Your email list - because these guys are the ones who are most likely to act on it. They love you already.
Got it? Go.
Dr D.