VetX Thrive: Find Purpose, Find Your Way, Be Happy!
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What if you were able to stop struggling in your career and START ENJOYING YOUR WORK AS A VET EACH DAY?


Does this sound familiar?…

"I’m sick of clients not wanting to follow my advice and thinking they know better."

"I work my guts out and feel broken at the end of each week for what?"

"I have no idea how I will ever pay down my student debt and afford a house."

"I struggle without a mentor to guide me."  

"I’m wondering if I made a big mistake and being a vet was the wrong choice."

It is possible to escape the negative thoughts, the imposter syndrome, the argumentative clients who say no, and actually get paid what you are worth. And it doesn’t mean selling your soul to achieve this.

Let me introduce you to the VetX:Thrive training program, it is the "secret sauce" for building a happy, healthy, and rewarding career, allows you to enjoy time both as a vet and away from the practice.


Right now the ONLY place you can access the training program is inside my group coaching community, VetX:Thrive.


This is for:


+ Vets who are committed to the profession and want to stay in general practice.

+ Vets who want clients say yes to their recommendations.

+ Vets who are tired of not being paid what they are worth.

+ Vets who are ready to act positively and do the work needed to get better now.

This is NOT for:


+ People who like to moan and complain about how everything is broken, but do nothing to solve their problems.

+ People who thrive on negativity.

+ People who just want a social group for messaging and venting.



Just like vet school, there's a chance you won't get into VetX:Thrive.

It's not because we're mean, it's because we are incredibly protective of the Xpod (the folks who join the community) and the experience they have inside the community.  


People who are not willing to do the work or participate hurt the community. We want people who dive into the content and actively ask for our help anytime they need it.   


Our members have committed time and money to improve their outcomes using the VetX:Thrive Training Program and we are committed to delivering results. So we don't have time to chase and hassle people who aren't serious about getting results.


There are lots of Facebook groups out there for wasting time and complaining about things.

VetX:Thrive is about being in control of your life, not about wasting time, blaming others or complaining. It's about getting results and transforming your experience of veterinary medicine so you enjoy your work and are rewarded accordingly.


At times you might feel like Alice dropping through the looking glass as the content and mentors push you outside of your comfort zone and into your learning & growth zone. Other times you’ll be astonished at how different things are with small adjustments.

If you are having the time of your life as a vet and are getting all the rewards you need then you should definitely not enroll. Just keep doing what is working and be a source of joy and inspiration to others.


Our clients enroll in VetX:Thrive because they want better work-life balance, fewer problems with clients and colleagues, and more rewards for their hard work.

Stop worrying about the "how" and let us teach and show you the VetX:Thrive method so you can get to work, doing the job you signed up for - healing animals.     


IMPORTANT: Don't click that big, red button unless you're very serious about your future!

VetX:Thrive Results

We are 100% committed to helping our clients get results.


How Sarah transformed one relationship with a single conversation..feeling crappy to deep connection.

"As you advised during the mentoring session, I had a talk to my colleague the the day after on Friday. I explained to her how I felt in some situations and if it was her intention. She seemed to be very confused and surprised as well because she only answered "Let me think about what you said." and left the room.


On Monday she called me into her office to have a conversation. The whole weekend she thought about what I had ask her, she explained me. She thanked me what I had done for her. I was a bit confused, but she told me that she had some conversation about her behaviour with her family and friends and asked them if they also feel that way from time to time. They explained her that they feel the same but that they know her and how she acts when she gets under pressure but no one ever told her the fact that they don't feel good in this situation as well.


Since this conversation on Monday, working with her is very pleasant. She makes a great effort and explains a lot. On Wednesday she asked me if I wanted to help with an implant removal and I was allowed to remove a screw and then sew one of the four cuts.


It amazes me that one question had such a big effect. I am deeply grateful for your advice."

At the end of this student placement, Sarah's host practice was so impressed with her attitude and communication skills that they offered her a very healthy scholarship for her final year at University in return for joining their Intern program!

She has recently completed her training as an undergraduate just been accepted to the internship of her dreams in a specialty hospital in the UK. 

Sarah had this in her, but it was buried too deep to become real. VetX:Thrive helped her realise it.

How Helen went from frustration and burnout to supported and supportive team leader.
….under-supported struggler to team leader.


"Having been in Practice for 30 years without anyone to mentor me, learning the hard way from mistakes ( LOTS of mistakes ), struggling to keep my integrity and incredibly frustrated, with years of being overstressed and under-supported, I saw the VetX:Thrive course and decided to start over.


I had been following Dr Dave Nicol for a while with his fun but really useful and motivational webinars and on Facebook, and after a discussion with him about my position, he kindly allowed me to join this fantastic program.


I now feel that I am in a safer and happier place, where I have a mentor and coach, and a group of friends and world-class rockstar speakers who are supportive and exciting to know and interact with.

I now feel much more relaxed and confident that  I am getting the basics right and am as a result a better clinician and colleague than I would have been without this support.


Thank you, Dr Dave and VetX! I can hand on heart recommend this program to anyone at any stage of their career. I wish it had been available to me 30 years ago. It would have saved my mental health and improved my career path immeasurably."

How Dr Mike enjoyed feeling the support of the community, the training and the mentoring sessions after he graduated and how it helped him to stay connected.

How Dr Zach used what he learned to help him in his role then and in his new role as a practice owner!

How Dr Kornelija benefited from the mentoring and how it helped her to learn and cement the skills she learned in VetX:Thrive. 

How Dr Vicky used VetX:Thrive to deepen her skills, enjoy support and focus on the stuff that really matters. And has since become a mentor to the younger vets following in her footsteps!

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The VetX:Thrive program and community is not for those who like being stuck. Click here if you're ready to get moving.

©2017-20 Dr Dave Nicol & VetX International Ltd. All rights reserved

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